We are a trusted cultural partner, continually looking for opportunities to create innovative and sustainable solutions to meet the demands of our customers.
Our Focus on Responsible Business Operations
We aim to:
Develop positive relationships with our suppliers and business partners
Recruit and retain responsible employees
Deliver value to our customers
Act in an ethical manner
Recognise, respect and protect human rights
Take responsibility for our impact on the environment and find further ways to minimise it
Provide support through donations to charities and community organisations
Offer our expertise to help educate and develop scientists of the future.
We have a reputation for excellence in delivering diagnostic and laboratory products with expert knowledge to provide the best service.
We are constantly working with our suppliers to ensure that ethical and sustainable practises are upheld throughout product development and distribution.
A Caring Place to Work
Alpha Laboratories creates a workplace that treats everyone with dignity and respect. Our employees work in a dynamic environment that inspires innovation and sustained achievements by individuals and teams.
Alpha Laboratories' overriding principle is to act in a responsible and ethical manner in all areas of business and social accountability, and to respect the rights and dignity of all employees.
Visit our Workplace page to find out more:
Social Governance
Alpha prides itself on our Governance actively monitoring Diversity and Equal opportunities, Modern Slavery, Anti-Bribery, Whistleblowing and Anti-discrimination within our operations.
Our existing policies form an integral part of our People, Planet, & Carbon Strategy; supporting implementation and continuous improvement.
Read our Human Rights and Modern Slavery statement:
Our Culture & Business Ethos
We want to be seen as a Leader and Influencer in our sector. By embedding our People, Planet and Culture ethos within our Governance and Business Strategy, we aim to be recognised by our customers as leaders. This journey includes annually reporting on our progress towards our net zero targets. We also seek to implement initiatives that contribute to circular economy and to boost our recycling scheme.
Our UN Aligned Goals:
Our Corporate Social Responsibility
Alpha Laboratories is passionate about finding new and sustainable laboratory solutions designed to further scientific discovery and improve the lives of those around them by focusing on three pillars:
People | Planet | Culture